
Family Man. Friend. Student. Philosopher. Photographer. Artist, Musician

March 1, 2023

I retired in December 2021 and have been enjoying my ‘time-off’. although I have been working on many projects around the house. Some of them are shown here:

It’s already March 2023! about time I updated this website… I have ‘owned’ it for several years and had it forgotten. Time to get back on the horse.

From May 2009… It is now March, 2023!

30 years later…A personal thought

It seems like yesterday when I made a lifetime commitment to the woman that I wanted to share everything with! This woman was the one I wanted to laugh with, cry with, fight with. So, 30 years later (December 15, 2009) we have done just that. On the whole we have come out ahead. We are the proud parents of three  beautiful, intelligent, smart young women: Patsy (Patricia d’Janhira), Christy (Christy d’Janhel) and Alyssa (Alyssa d’Jienhei). All of them doing well as can be seen on the links…

We can’t and shouldn’t complain. As tough as the economy has hit the world, we still manage to have a roof over our head, food on the table and have the ability to send our daughters to college. We are and should be thankful that we have accomplished this, and more.

Life has been testing at times. It is for everyone. We’ve managed through business ownership and closure. We have seen friends come and go. We’ve experienced loss of those closest to us. Together, we have held each other up, and we have helped each other understand the reasons and causes for these events.

Most of all, we have relied in our faith, and the faith of our parents. For they taught us that we are never given a test that we cannot withstand; and that we must always ask for serenity, courage and wisdom. Personally, I have come to strongly believe in the simple phrase “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.”

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